Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Hey Everyone!
I feel like it's been forever since I've updated this thing, so I thought I would let everyone know what I've been up to.
Recently, I've been slowly updating my website. It's going to be completely different and hopefully awesome and fun. One of the things that inspired me to remake my website was when i put myself on a schedule to do more art work and decided to create a little flash loading screen. I'm trying to get it to work in the new website (moving from as2 to as3. ahhhhhh) but I thought I would share a little sneak peek of the site by sharing my loader with you guys. I hope you enjoy it.

I've also been a part of a short film collaboration called Devils Angels and Dating .(Directed by Michael Cawood) Its been a bunch of fun. I just completed my first 3 shots and I'm moving on to 4-6. My shot is overly funny because of what it is and I'ld also like to share that with you guys too. So here is a peek at my shots from D.A.D (these are 3 shots animated as one)

Hopefully soon I'll actually have my new website ready to go and I should be coming out with a new demo reel very soon. Have an awesome week everyone!


. justin segal said...

Hi A. Love the "Devil's Angels" peek, fun stuff. So the new website is flash-based? Aieee?! How am I gonna enjoy your wonderful stuff on my iPad?!!!!! Seek out alternatives!

Danielle said...

The loading screen is so cute! Very fun. I can't wait to see the new site! Your going to have your share your secrets on how you're getting more art work done. I keep thinking how its about time I picked up a pencil again, but I spend so long fighting with whatever shot I'm battling that it never happens.

And your shots for "Devils, Angels, and Dating" are turning out great! Some really nice work you are doing for that!

Amanda Wagner said...

Thanks Danielle! I cant wait to finish it. I'm really hoping to site down and just get it done already.lol.
I actually wish i did more. I have a whole week of stuff planed and then only do like 1 % of it. But i guess what i do is i have a planner and i treat the week like im still in school and i give myself assignments throughout the week and if i dont do them i fail :(

Justin: The new site is flash based. one of these days ill make it regular and not all flash facny.